Last month, Wonder Girls member Sunmi put her musical career on hold to further her studies. Since then, much has happened within the group as they welcomed new member Lim. Although there has been much controversy surrounding JYP Entertainment as of late, it's been revealed that Sunmi is taking a break and enjoying her free time. Sunmi made her final performance at Pop-Con on February 20th and it was revealed today that shortly after this performance, Sunmi had left to go on a vacation before she starts on school life. Today, an official said, "Sunmi went on vacation on the 25th. She is currently with her family and will soon be continuing her studies." But is there chance for a future comeback? Apparently so, as a representative revealed, "Sunmi revealed that after spending a year in the States, she would like to slowly ease back into her personal life. If she completes her studies or ever decides to resume her career as an idol, we will support her." So although she may be out of the K-pop scene for now, it seems there's an option for Sunmi to come back. Whether she will reunite with the Wonder Girls or pursue her own solo career is still unknown.
Wonder Girls Sunmi goes on vacation and reveals future plans
Posted by 2 pts Monday, March 1, 2010
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