A recent photo of Brown Eyed Girls member Narsha, has surfaced on the net and it's creating quite the buzz as its got fans dying with laughter. In the photo is the G7 on the set of KBS 2TV's Invincible Youth. The seven girls are standing next to one another with their winks, smiles and cheesy poses but wait, what is Narsha doing? You might miss it at first glance or may even think nothing of it but Narsha's left hand is actually censoring the dog that HyunA is holding - you know, his private area. This picture surfaced on a blog and immediately spread like wildfire. Narsha censoring the dog's hotdog, immediately brought laughter to all those who saw it and hey, she saved KBS the trouble of censoring it themselves. Two birds with one stone, gotta love the Brown Eyed Girl.
Narsha provides censorship
Posted by 2 pts Wednesday, March 10, 2010
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