Kim Jong Gook has been in the entertainment industry for a long time, so if he marries, fans will congratulate him instead of bashing his wife. Even the singer himself agrees, as he thinks he is getting old (currently 32 years old). On the latest episode of Yu Hui Yeol's Sketchbook as a guest, Kim Jong Gook was asked if he had plans to marry. He replied, "I think I should do it in around 2-3 years. I am almost 40 years old. I know a lot of hyungs that are over that age and are still single, so I think I should do it before that happens to me." He then talked about what qualities he wanted for his future wife. He said, "I want a wife that would enjoy exercising with me." Yoo Hui Yeol also complimented his muscular body and said, " Does a ballad singer need this kind of body?" Kim Jong Gook was embarassed and replied, "No, you don't need it." The singer is also known for singing high songs, that are supposed to be comfortable for girls. He said, "Since my body is very fit, my throat doesn't get hoarse as easily." Hearing this, the MC said, "Do you have muscles in your adams apple as well?" When Kim Jong Gook gets married, him and his wife will officially be known as the "exercise couple". I wonder who this woman will be?
Kim Jong Gook wants to marry before 40

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