Ever since December's debut last October, they have been successful as they had several hit ballad songs such as Love Is..., Girls Like Bad Guys and Can't You Come Back. On top of that, they were also awarded Cyworld's "Rookie of the Month." It's been recently revealed though, that about a month ago, December's agency CS Happy Entertainment received a request to change the lyrics to their song from IRIS OST "Can't You Come Back" by the Family Association for Mental Health corporations. The corporation had a problem with a part of the song's lyrics where it said:
Although I call for you crazily...They believed that "crazy" can be refered to a handicapped person and can be disrespectful to the handicapped and their families. CS Happy Entertainment revealed their opinions, stating:
We were shocked and could not understand this request we received. We believe they went a bit too far, thinking that a word such as 'crazy' can be interpreted as a handicapped person. You would know looking at the lyrics, even if you did not listen to the song [Can't You Come Back], that it is about a main character expressing his sad love towards his lover. If our lyrics are a problem, shouldn't Son Dambi's song 'Crazy' as well as any other songs that include 'crazy' in the lyrics be a problem as well? We are not saying all 'crazys' are ok in lyrics. We are just saying that there should be a limit to where one word's meaning can go.Do you guys remember when K.Will's Hypnosis was banned from KBS due to a similar situation? Anyway, this is crazy! December - Can't You Come Back http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Xnmu3h7XsQ

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