A few years ago, many Asians would do a double-take to see a foreigner recognize the name of an Asian celebrity. Recently, kpop fans had taken it further by pushing their kpop devotions into the Twitter world, creating trending topics ranging from #choiminho to #jaebumsabs. All of these things have indicated the spread of the Hallyu wave. But you know you've made it big when you're the #1 top searched item on Google, the #1 most used website on the internet and in the world... and that's exactly what the Wonder Girls have done!
Fresh after their guest appearance on So You Think You Can Dance this evening, "the wonder girls" became a hot topic on this search engine - so hot, in fact, that it scaled the charts and topped the list in an hour! With the huge viewership of this dance reality show series, it's no surprise that the girls' guest appearance would turn heads and spark curiosity, but this is an unbelievable accomplishment for the girls.
The search peaked around five hours ago, but the graph is starting to escalate again... Check out the Google trend livetime here!
Thanks to kickityeahh for the tip. Make sure to get more info on the Wonder Girls at their international fan forum, WG Spectacle!
UPDATE: Looks like the Wonder Girls are a hot topic on Youtube as well:
Thanks to Emily for the tip!
Wonder Girls hit #1 most searched term on Google! [updated]

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