We reported earlier about life after Dream for popular actor, Kim Bum. With the nightmare of Dream ending this past Tueday after dismal ratings, Kim Bum has wasted no time in embarking on his overseas activities. It was reported by ABS-CBN that Kim Bum had already arrived in Manila, Philippines on 30th September for a CF filming. The CF filming is reportedly to be for RC Cola (Royal Crown Cola), where Kim Bum will work with one of the country's prime young actress, Maja Salvador (current model for RC Cola). In addition as said before, besides filming for the CF, Kim Bum will also be doing some voluntary charity work, which will go towards helping needy orphans in the Philippines. And just to point out something for trivia purposes, Kim Joon is once again the odd one out among the Korean F4, as Lee Minho endorses Pepsi, Kim Hyun Joong does Dynamic Kin (Coca-Cola) while Kim Bum will be doing RC Cola. With the Philippines still feeling the effects from Typhoon Ketsana a few days ago, Kim Bum's visit will bring some joy to his fans in the country. credit: wandergirlPH Many thanks to jennykoi for tip.
Kim Bum And Maja Salvador For RC Cola CF
Posted by 0 pt Wednesday, September 30, 2009
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