Kim Shin Young, the queen of parodies, has struck again with her hilarious rendition of SNSD's (Girl's Generation) "Tell Me Your Wish (Genie)". Her version is called, "Tell Me Your Grade", and it is dedicated to the students studying for the 2010 Sooneung, a test roughly equivalent to America's SATs. The video was created by Kim Shin Young and Nate Running Mate. The overall theme of the song is from the point of view from a mother/sister asking for the "SAT" grade and cheering for the studious student. Warning: Three of my sensory organs were impaired while watching this video. My eyes could not take her moves, my mouth was speechless, agape in shock, and my ears nearly eroded from her singing. Beware!! Video credits: Mardi09 Hwaiting all studying students!!
Kim Shin Young Parodies "Genie"
Posted by 2 pts Tuesday, July 21, 2009
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