On the 14th of June, 2PM performed "Again and Again" and "I Hate You" at the Smoke Free Festival. During the performance for "Again and Again," our dorky Taecyeon, whose nickname is "Beast", pokes poor maknae Chansung in the eye! Yes, and quite hard, too. Poor Chansung, you can see the boy twitch during the whole performance because of the damage done to his left eye. The funny thing is that you see Taec stick his tongue out (which was very cute) and continue to dance; I guess that’s what he does when he’s shocked? Chansung was probably pissed, seeing that he ignored Taecyeon's concern at the end. Also, watch at 2:48 when Chansung almost jabs Taecyeon in the face! Feel Chansung's pain, like the fangirl who gave out a loud shriek at around 0:35. video credit: kissoulmate Apparently, this is how Chansung’s eye looked after the performance. It must’ve been a really bad poke, seeing his eye is still red even a while after the performance. Thanks to lawlietta for the tip!
Taecyeon pokes a fight with Chansung.. or his eye

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