Note: As our site grows, so does our server. We're currently transferring over to a 16 core Tigerton server. If you see this message, you're on the new server. :) Happy 19th Birthday Sooyoung! SNSD / Girls' Generation's Sooyoung, whose birthday is today (yesterday in Korea), received a sweet birthday gift from her fans. 15 SNSD fans of both genders worked together to publish an advertisement regarding Sooyoung's birthday in the "Congratulation" section of the Han-gyo-rae newspaper. The ad included a picture of Sooyoung and a birthday shout out that said,
"Merry Princess Sooyoung! We sincerely wish you a happy 19th birthday! Although the world is harsh and cruel, stay happy and enjoy your time in SNSD~ ♥ ♥ ♥The fans ended this sweet ad with "Now SNSD! Later SNSD! Forever SNSD!" and added their names at the bottom. How homo cute. Forever SNSD? Years from now, I don't know if anyone, besides Johnny, would want to watch 50-year-old women dancing on stage in mini skirts. Sooyoung was very touched when she later saw this ad and wants her fans to know that she will stay happy and enjoy her time in SNSD. A "Thank you!" to the 15 lesbians and old men girls and boys who made the other fans look like crap.
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