The nonuplets, a.k.a. Girls' Generation/SNSD, appeared on SBS's "Good Morning" and gave the audience a look at their residence. For 24 hours, a very very lucky production crew (I'm sure there was a fight among the old ajusshis in the staff over who would get to go on the assignment) got an exclusive tour of the place where all 9 girls reside together. One of the topic highlights was about how the girls differentiate their belongings. They revealed their special tactics for recognizing their own stuff...which was simply writing their name on everything, including their shoes, and even underwear. YoonA actually showed the audience a pair of her shoes with her name written on the inside. I'm sure at this point many were hoping to see their underwear, but since "Good Morning" is a G-rated show, this was as far as they got. Aside from the kindergarten-age practice of writing their names on their belongings, the girls also revealed that because they are 9 females, if their manager pops up unexpectedly, they would be in a rush to dress decently and hide their underwear, so they arranged a system where their manager calls them ahead of time before his visit. (Hmm...I bet he was very disappointed.) They also talked about the difficulties of living together, especially when nine girls are all living together. MC Jo Hyung Gi remarked, "The Super Junior boys said that because they have so many members, whoever gets up first has first dibs on the best socks and underwear." One of the members replied (it's hard to tell, since there are so many...), "For us, whoever wakes up the earliest makes breakfast, and whoever wakes up the latest clears the dining table." Another one piped up (again, hard to tell), "Jessica is always the last to get up, so she doesn't eat and she doesn't clean up." All I can say is, 9 girls living under one roof must mean a lot of drama and bitch fights. Oh well, at least now you know that if you find underwear with one of the girls' names written on it, you know that it belongs to them. Either that, or it belongs to some dirty old ajusshi.
Girls' Generation Talks About Their Underwear

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