TVXQ /DBSK with their latest hit single "Beautiful You" reached number one on Oricon's Daily Single chart. TVXQ has achieved first on the Daily Single Chart twice before with "Summer Dream" and "Purple Line". TVXQ had an estimated 36,990 sales on the first day which was more than 20k higher than second place C-ute / ZET at an estimated 16,597 sales. Comparatively, when Purple Line reached #1 on the Singles Daily Chart they sold 16,318 the first day. TVXQ was actually in Korea the past few days to shoot a commercial for Samsung Haptic, they will be returning back to Japan to resume their duties there. Can they keep this up? They have achieved first in the Weekly Chart only once before with "Purple Line". If they can keep it up, this can be the second time they'll have a single on top of the Weekly Chart. But for now, TVXQ is doing BIG things in Japan unlike BIG Bang.
TVXQ loves the Beautiful View from the Top
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
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