Music Releases

It'll be Raining at the Beijing Olympics

Posted by De_La_Methode Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Earlier we reported that Rain was thinking about singing the theme song for the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics. Despite other sites reporting rumors to the contrary, it has been confirmed that Rain has accepted the role of singing the Samsung Olympic theme song. The selection of a Korean Pop Singer over a Chinese singer is being questioned by many people, but Rain has always had a great relationship with China. With the movie Speed Racer due out in worldwide movie theatres very soon, coupled with this new role at the Olympics - he hopes to boost his international stature. Rain is also in the negotiation stage of appearing in another Hollywood movie this year. With his stardom back in Korea perceived by some to be waning somewhat, he hopes this will help boost it back up to where it was near it's peek. Like I've pondered before, I'm wondering if this means Rain has to sing in Chinese? I could already imagine million's of Chinese complaining that a foreigner with a bad chinese accent is singing their Olympic anthem... But, I don't blame him for taking the opportunity presented before him. In his eyes, it can only be a plus as it will increase awareness of him... although I'm not sure if Koreans want people to know about him. Let's just hope he doesn't embarrass us too much. If the song is half as good as the pimp classic "Hand in Hand" (sang at the 1988 Seoul Olympics - see video below) then we don't have to worry at all.

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  1. RAIN
  2. BI
  4. POLL
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