Recently, MBC's 'Radio Star' released still cuts of Kangnam, who attended the recording for the show on August 2 as the special MC. The recording for the talk show took place a day after Kangnam's breakup news with UEE, leading to high anticipation for the upcoming episode with special MC Kangnam.
SEE ALSO: UEE and Kangnam confirm breakup
Meanwhile, netizens pointed out that Kangnam is looking noticeably thin in the still cuts. Comments stated, "Hul, he lost so much weight", "Hul, did he go on a diet??", "Wow, he really lost a lot of weight", "Hul, why did he lose so much weight?", "So skinny..",
'Radio Star' with special MC Kangnam and guests Kim Jong Kook, Kim Jung Nam, 2PM's Chansung and WINNER's Kim Jin Woo is scheduled to air later this month.
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