Heo Ji Woong spoke up once again on IU's behalf.
Amid the various criticism IU is receiving, he said, "People who say that it is a taboo even for expression have a trend of trying to make everyone follow the moral boundaries they build. Even people who don't believe it's a big deal start taking sides because they don't want to be judged morally. If someone is a pedophile or if they support it, they can be punished through law through proof. Just because they see it that way, it's not right to reduce this to agreeing or opposing pedophilia and bully them."
SEE ALSO: IU reveals she drank alcohol to portray realism in ‘When Life Gives You Tangerines’
He added, "Just as the people have freedom of interpretation, IU's freedom to use Zeze and identify with him must be acknowledged as she debuted at an early age, grew up in the music industry, and was pressured by the opinions of adult consumers."
Singer Solbi also had something to say that seemed to allude to the situation, but she took neither side. Instead, she said, "Art? There's no such thing as the right answer.. However, the value of art is based not only on ideas and philosophy, but also on how many people want to talk about it and have it. Praises and controversies are to be grateful for! But in the end, art comes from the values of the artist. No matter what, creation is freedom. However, responsibilities come with the freedom. You might go hungry. Do I create for other people in a capitalistic society, or do I create just for my own satisfaction? Here, I'm tormented by choices. However, art is neither a game you search answers for, nor is it a game you ask questions. If you have certain values about your art, you don't need to convince anyone else. In art, communication is a tool... not a necessity! But there is something more important than communication.. That's identification. Something that's stronger than a hundred praises is if the audience identified with you.. For art without identification, the only thing beautiful is the back of the artist."
Do you agree with what Heo Ji Woong or Solbi said?