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Posted by mssylee29 pts Wednesday, September 30, 2015

13 Ways to get over a heartbreak as told by K-dramas

1. 13 Ways to get over a heartbreak as told by K-dramas
Heartbreak is one of the hardest things that you will probably go through in life. Getting your heart broken by the person you love or have loved makes you physically weak in the knees as you feel pieces of your heart breaking piece by piece.

Your closest friends will lecture you with cliche lines such as: "You will find someone better," "There's plenty of fish in the sea," but you don't want to hear none of that. Though you may feel alone and believe wholeheartedly that these aches are exclusive to your own, heartbreak happens everywhere around you and even in your favorite K-dramas!

Here are some ways you can get over your heartbreak, as told by K-dramas.

2. Confront your former lover and attempt at a closure
3. Turn into a crazy singing lady like no one's listening
4. Revisit the places you've gone to with your former lover
5. Cry and complain about your breakup to someone who doesn't know anything
6. Tell off your former lover for being a disrespectful a**hole
7. Eat angrily and maniacally
8. Break things that were once important to you
9. Drunken confessions to your former lover
10. Pretend to be okay
11. Find a guy friend to act as your pretend 'rebound'
12. Watch them longingly from afar
13. Get revenge and kiss someone else in front of them
14. Regret all things you've done throughout the relationship...

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