Since 2013, Shinhwa refrained from spelling out their name on their album covers , posters, and various merchandise. Their album covers only showed the logo of the group, but did not state 'Shinhwa' because of this issue.
But now, finally, according to the ruling of the court on May 27th, ShinCom Entertainment has gained the rights to the Shinhwa trademark.
Elated about gaining the rights to their name, Shinhwa commented, "We are very happy that we have been able to reclaim our name through this long hard battle. We send our gratitude to all the fans who have shown us support and cheered us on so that we may protect our name of Shinhwa. We will continue to do our best so that the name 'Shinhwa' can shine even brighter."
ShinCom Entertainment will also now change its name back to 'Shinhwa Company', the name it was originally established under in 2011.
Member Minwoo also summed up how he felt about this good news by writing on Instagram, "The name I will be with forever. Thank you Shinhwa Changjo. If it weren't for all of you, then we wouldn't have been able to protect our name nor have been here these 17 years. Shinhwa will not be broken."

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