The girls of�Ladies' Code�are finally here with their "So Wonderful" MV to reveal what they've been hinting at with their previous teasers!
Fans were left wondering about the girls' new concept as it was hard to tell if the girls would be taking on the sexy image like almost all the other girl groups these days, or if they'd be exploring into another kind of horror concept with the theme of mannequins this time.
It turns out the girls are staying true to their style, rather than opting for a super sexy turn, as they give us another intriguing MV to draw us into their music.
As mentioned before producer�Super Changddai, who has worked with this group before, took part in writing the lyrics, composing, and arranging the song.
So check out the MV above from the girl group who recently picked up the 'New Artist Award' from the 'Gaon Chart K-Pop Awards'!
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