It was previously rumored that former Korean celebrity and singer Yoo Seung Joon may soon be allowed to return to Korea as his ban on entering the country was due to be lifted soon. This fueled a lot of interest among the Korean public, who haven't forgotten the singer and his military service evasion scandal.
As mentioned before, Yoo Seung Joon was once one of Korea's top stars back a decade ago and he often spoke about carrying out his military service and doing his duty as a Korean male citizen. However, he was eventually deported from Korea and banned from returning for what was considered an act of desertion, after secretly obtaining a United States citizenship that excused him from mandatory military service in Korea, just a few months before he was due for enlistment.
The Korean Military Manpower Association stepped up to firmly assert that this rumor of his ban being lifted is false by releasing a statement, which you can read below.
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"We reveal the Military Manpower Association's position in relation to the report made by Ilgan Sports on January 1, 2014 that said, 'Korean celebrity Yoo Seung Joon's return in the new year is visible, the ban on entry to lift this month.'
- Yoo Seung Joon was active as a singer in Korea since 1997 and sincerely avowed numerous times through media sources that he would do mandatory military service.
- After leaving the country on the excuse of having a performance before his enlistment in 2002, he obtained a United States citizenship with the purpose of evading military service.
- He was banned from the country based on Article 11 of the Immigration Control Law out of apprehension that when he reenters the nation and is active in the entertainment industry, it could potentially cause a decline of morale among soldiers and officers serving in the military and belittle the importance of military service.
- Therefore, we are not considering lifting the ban on Yoo Seung Joon.
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