'Love Through Song' has managed to protect the dignity of KBS daily dramas with its amazing viewer rating of 23.5% for its very first broadcast. According to AGB Nielsen, this viewer rating was just 0.1% below the 23.6% the preceding daily drama 'If Intellect, Gamcheon' garnered for its finale on November 1.
It's rare that a daily drama receives such a high rating, one in the 20th percentile, on its very first episode, so people are anticipating the drama even more. It appears 'Love Through Song' might strongly secure and hold onto first place among the three daily dramas in the future as MBC's daily drama 'Aurora Princess' received 14.7% and SBS' daily drama 'Ugly Alert' had 9.9%.
'Love Through Song' is likely receiving a lot of love already due to the hot chemistry between Baek Sung Hyun and SISTAR's Dasom as well as its overall youthful vibe. Make sure you check out this first episode to see what the fuss was all about!
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