If you're a 100% fan, you have more to celebrate today than just the boys' 300th day anniversary - it's also the day the fanclub gets an official name!
TOP Media revealed the boys' fanclub name on their official fancafe, saying,
"Hello, this is TOP Media.
Since this is 100%'s 300th day since debut, we're giving you the first 100%'s 100% News! We're going to announce the name of 100% official fanclub, as the 100% members hinted in "Prologue".
Fanclub name: PERFECTION
Meaning: To 100%, the fans are the most important, and it means that 100% and fans make a perfect match.
We're thanking everyone for participating in the voting of the official fanclub, and we'll be giving present to the person who made the suggestion.
PERFECTION, please continue to support the 100% members.
Thank you."
SEE ALSO: K-Pop’s Strangest Merch, A look at some of the Weirdest Official Items Ever Sold
Congratulations to PERFECTION all over the world! Do you like the name?
Tip: Gabriela
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