Already having revealed photos of herself in a wedding dress, former KARA member Kim Sung Hee unveiled her wedding portrait. On her minihompy, she put up a picture of herself posing with her husband for their wedding portrait. She wrote, "As a man and a woman we have became one into a family", signaling her approaching wedding date. In the picture, Kim Sung Hee is smiling brightly while in the arms of her husband-to-be, Yang Won Joon. The two reportedly started their relationship after meeting each other through their religious community a year ago and became close while attending various musical activities together. Yang Won Joon's father, voice actor Yang Ji Woon stated, "I have been touched by my daughter-in-law's actions. My wife, too, loves her a lot and has been blinded by her lovely charms. My son had a hard time in the past but I hope he starts a good family after meeting such a good and beautiful wife." Netizens commented, "Kim Sung Hee's too pretty to be married", "You two look good together", "Live happily". Kim Sung Hee and Yang Won Joon are planning to tie the knot on May 7th. Source: BNT News via Nate Photo: Kim Sung Hee's Cyworld
Former KARA member Kim Sung Hee reveals her wedding portrait
Posted by 2 pts Tuesday, April 26, 2011
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