I guess all of that provocative hip-thrusting was too much for minors to handle - Cube Entertainment recently received a notice that 4minute eighteen-year-old HyunA's Change music video has been flagged as a video for 19+ viewers only. "After deliberation, the music video has been deemed too sexual, so it will only be viewable for a 19+ age audience," a Cube Entertainment rep revealed, going on to say that the company would respect this decision and begin plans for a re-edited version of the MV that will be submitted later for approval. I understand wanting to penalize someone for dry-humping a girl on a bed in front of minors (and no, that doesn't make me a GD hater), but since there have been a few eyebrow-raising bans in the past, I don't think fans should give this too much weight. After all, the MV's been out on various video sites for over a week and we can't un-see it anyway. In fact, I'll include it in this post so you can watch it if you'd like. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCMlVS-66hw&fmt=18 Do you think HyunA's video should be restricted? Tell us your thoughts! Assuming that the MV received this warning for the sexual dance moves, I wonder if the choreography will be changed (no pun intended). Stay tuned for more on this issue & a second version of HyunA's MV soon! UPDATE: SBS has announced that the MV will be restricted for a 15+ audience, and MBC has announced that the MV will still be viewable for all audiences. (Keep in mind that the Korean Ministry never officially banned this MV.)
HyunA's "Change" MV slapped with 19+ rating

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