NU'EST's Aron, ZE:A's Kevin, and LUNAFLY's Sam have been cast as the new 'Arirang' radio DJs!
The boys introduced their new radio shows on Twitter:
Check out my new radio show 'Super K-Pop' on Arirang radio every day at 4pm from April 8th!!
Sam Carter ??? (@SamCarterSC) March 30, 2013
Arirang #Radio's Spring Reshuffle; <MUSIC ACCESS> host by #Aron of #NUEST, everyday from 2 to 4pm. April 8th, 2013~ arirangworld (@arirangworld) March 29, 2013
#RADIO <HOT BEAT> #Kevin of #ZEA will take the mic every night, from midnight to 2AM! Reshuffle date: Apr.8th,2013
arirangworld (@arirangworld) March 29, 2013
Are you looking forward to how Aron, Kevin, and Sam will do as radio hosts?
Tip: 000girl000
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