Actress and former Fin.K.L member Sung Yuri showed her dedication to her agency by renewing her contract.
Sung Yuri signed with King Kong Entertainment two and a half years ago and upon nearing the end of her contract, the actress has decided to stay with the agency.
A representative of King Kong Entertainment revealed, "Sung Yuri is an actress who we have watched over for 10 years. She's sincere and has a humble heart, and she's always considerate of others. We will continue to show unwavering support to help her."
Sung Yuri also stated, "King Kong Entertainment is a company that has given me much support to help me focus on my various activities and projects. Based on the trust and faith that has built up, I'll continue to do my best, so please show lots of love and support."
Posted by 3 pts Friday, January 4, 2013
Actress Sung Yuri renews contract with King Kong Entertainment
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