The Korean Actors Labor Union has requested SBS 'Five Fingers' issue a public apology in regards to T-ara member Eunjung departing from the series.
The Labor Union stated through a press release on August 28th, "Even after a week following member Eunjung's departure, SBS has failed to issue any kind of explanation, offer, or self-reflectance."
"We are demanding that SBS and Yein E&M issue a sincere apology to member Ham Eunjung," the Union continued. "The only way to restore her tarnished reputation is to essentially reveal the truth, and receive a genuine apology from all of you. PD Choi Young Hoon, you have no right to be a drama PD. Step down."
The union accused that the PD tried to spin the reason for Eunjung's departure on the T-ara controversy instead of the real reason, which was disagreement to PPL (product placement). "SBS and Yein E&M had requested member Eunjung to film the drama wearing sponsored goods (product placement) such as bags, accessories, and outfits, however, Eunjung had refused."
"This was SBS and Yein E&M's way of attempting to sign another contract in addition to the contract they already signed for her appearance," the Union added. "This is the so-called additional 'altered agreement', and they presented irrelevant reasons and stated that [Eunjung's agency] would be responsible for compensation via support funds in the event the T-ara controversy (or Eunjung herself) would cause harm to the drama's investors or sponsors. Her drama appearance contract was signed on July 17th, and the altered additional agreement was proposed to Eunjung's agency on August 21st."
"Even after all of this, how is it that SBS and the production company have not become conscience-stricken," the Union criticized. They then demanded that "the contract conditions be carried out, and PD Choi Young Hoon take responsibility for tarnishing Eunjung's reputation by removing her from the drama by stepping down and return Eunjung to the series."
Source & Image : Herald via Naver
Korean Actors Labor Union demands 'Five Fingers' PD & SBS issue a public apology to T-ara's Eunjung

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