After School's E-Young has revealed that since leader Kahi's departure, there is no one disciplining the junior members in the group.
The ladies recently guested on the first anniversary special of MBC Every1's 'Weekly Idol' and talked about what it was like following Kahi's leave. As they are a group with a variety of age groups, the topic was of much interest for both the show and the fans.
MC Jung Hyung Don asked E-Young, "I'm curious as to who disciplines the members now that Kahi is gone from the group." She replied, "In the beginning, UEE unni told us things we should look out for, but now, there's barely any disciplining."
The other members agreed, adding, "Having everything ordered, like the order in which we get in the car or wash our hair, is all in the past now."
As if to prove a point, junior member Lizzy began sharing secrets about UEE and Jooyeon without discretion!
Check out the broadcast on July 25th.
Source : Mydaily via Naver
No one disciplines After School in Kahi's absence?

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