After months of anticipation, the Wonder Girls excitedly unveiled their upcoming Teen Nick movie 'THE WONDER GIRLS' to a closed audience at an official Los Angeles movie premiere at the CGV Cinema on January 20th.
Eager fans who attended the premiere have taken to Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook and other social networking sites to share their experiences and thoughts on 'THE WONDER GIRLS' film.
The movie's theme song in particular, titled "Like Money," has especially been met with excitement. Earlier reports reveal that this song was announced before the quintet's Korean promotion cycle last year. In addition to the movie OST, it's rumored to take a spot on the Wonder Girls' debut US album, alongside their Korean hit, "Be My Baby". Though no official teasers have been revealed to the public yet, it's expected to be an energetic dance track with an infectious beat.
Stay tuned as allkpop continues to follow the Wonder Girls' upcoming ventures in the United States!
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