Dal Shabet's homepage has been reportedly hacked by fans of B1A4. On January 10th, fans who visited Dal Shabet's homepage met with several pop-ups that prevented them from entering the site. The pop-ups had a picture of B1A4 with the message, "Why are you messing with usBanas?" (Bana is the name of B1A4's fanclub). B1A4 fans have also put up several notices and posts about B1A4 in other sections of Dal Shabet's homepage, such as their schedule. This has only added fuel to the bitter dispute between Dal Shabet and B1A4 fans, a dispute that eventually led to police officials stepping in for allegations of rape and kidnapping. Source + Photos: Mydaily via Nate
Dal Shabet's homepage gets hacked
Posted by 42 pts Tuesday, January 10, 2012
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