On December 24th, actor Lee Jun Ki shared a handwritten letter wishing his fans a Merry Christmas. The actor wrote, "To my thankful fans. A year is coming to a close! Now that I'm becoming a sergeant with the year's end, I'm reminded of the time I was first enlisted. Once this Christmas passes, I'll be able to be with my fans again. The thought is a unique feeling for me. Thank you so much to my fans for always being with me through thick and thin and for always showing your support." He added, "In the New Year, I'll greet you all with better and amazing news!" Netizens commented, "Wow~ salute! Please take care of your health", "He always manages to touch our hearts.. Thank you, and we love you," and "Thank you for always being with us through thick and thin as well!" Lee Jun Ki will be discharged on February 16th. Source + Photos: Star News via Naver
Actor Lee Jun Ki wishes his fans a Merry Christmas through a handwritten letter
Posted by 42 pts Monday, December 26, 2011
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