Actor Kwon Sang Woo recently completed a photo shoot for international fashion house, Emporio Armani. The actor's pictorials for the brand's 2011 Fall/Winter watch collection revolved around a very masculine concept. He modeled the watches with flair, showcasing his trendy and modern fashion style. The actor is currently taking a break in Korea, due to being injured while filming on set not too long ago and recently had surgery on his leg. He will be back to work starting in early November, traveling to China to film a new movie with Jackie Chan. The Emporio Armani photo shoot will be revealed through magazines in five different Asian countries including Korea, and Asian fans everywhere can feast their eyes on their favorite Hallyu celebrity. [gallery] Source & Image(s) : Newsen, 2, 3, 4 + Nate
Kwon Sang Woo endorses Emporio Armani
Posted by 22 pts Wednesday, October 26, 2011
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