After debuting with "Bang!" earlier this year, After School is returning to Japan with a remake of their hit "Diva"! Their agency Avex Entertainment has just released a 1:22 PV teaser on Youtube for fans worldwide to enjoy.
Although it doesn't reveal the full track, it looks like the Japanese version will have noticeable differences as opposed to its original. The wardrobe takes a step away from the bright concept of the original for a black, white and pink theme, and the MV even features shots of dance sequences with choreography and outfits reminiscent of "Let's Step Up" during "Shampoo" promotions. The track itself also gets an electronic twist.
With the lyrics translated and distributed differently than the original (watch it here), the Japanese remake of "Diva" gives fans old and new a fresh look at the 2009 hit track. Tell us your thoughts on the teaser below!
After School releases "Diva" PV teaser in Japan!
Posted by 4 pts Sunday, October 23, 2011
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