Super Junior's Kyuhyun snapped a selca with Huh Gak, celebrating his recent K-Chart win. Kyuhyun uploaded a photo via his Twitter page with the caption, "Intruder in the Super Junior dressing room! With #1 winner Huh Gak hyung who sings well and works really hard." In the photo, the two have their arms around each others' shoulders and look to have a close relationship. Netizens responded, "You don't look alike but look close enough to be brothers" and "How nice of Kyuhyun to call Huh Gak hyung, even though he is his senior". Kyuhyun with the rest of his Super Junior members recently made their comeback with their follow-up track, "A-CHA". Source & Image : TVReport via Naver
Super Junior's Kyuhyun takes selca with Huh Gak
Posted by 22 pts Friday, September 30, 2011
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