Actor So Ji Sub promises to return to 'Infinity Challenge'! On this week's episode, MBC's 'Infinity Challenge' continued with the second portion of last week's 'So Ji Sub Returns'. As if getting his face covered with black ink was not enough, So Ji Sub was seen giving his all during the tube pumping competition wearing the show's trademark white spandex bodysuit and gold cape. Unlike his nickname, 'So Gan Ji' ('So' being his last name, 'Gan Ji' meaning charismatic in Japanese), So Ji Sub competed fiercely despite ruining his appearance, which made him even more appealing in the viewers' eyes. After losing the air pumping competition in a close race, So Ji Sub expressed his regret and his intention to return with the comment, "What a shame. Please call me back again". Yoo Jae Suk, receiving a pinky promise from So Ji Sub, quickly brought a close to the show with the statement, "Although this guy isn't the type to say things he doesn't mean, he could change his mind if we keep talking, so we need to end this quickly," bringing laughter to the viewers. Viewers commented, "It was nice watching him blend in well with the other members and enjoy himself without any aversion to the situation", "Rather than looking like a mess, he shined even more", and "Cha Seung Won, So Ji Sub, Jo In Sung special please!" Source + Photo: Naver
So Ji Sub is hooked on variety
Posted by 47 pts Sunday, September 4, 2011
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