Super Junior's leader, Leeteuk showed his appreciation towards his fans through the revelation of a special receipt picture.
On September 22nd, Leeteuk shared the above photo and tweeted, "I love all our fans that bought this many of our CDs" and added, "To the fans in China, I hope you guys received our new album. Thank you."
Leeteuk collected a lot of receipts, rolled them up, tied them off with ribbons, and placed them in the shape of a heart as a thank you gift for his fans.
Netizens who came across this tweet commented, "I can't believe he thought of making an ornament out of receipts", "Lee Teuk is the best for making a heart ornament out of this. This has to be the best gift given to fans".
Source & Photo: Newsen
Leeteuk thanks his fans with receipts?

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