Netizens were recently able to discover a heartwarming gesture made by actor Lee Min Ho for his fans. On September 25th, the actor headed for Beijing, China to attend a launching party for Hyundai's 'Veloster.' After hearing that 1,000 fans had gathered to welcome him at the airport, Lee Min Ho rejected the offer to be taken through the back V.I.P. route and personally requested that he'd like to go out there and thank all of his fans for coming all the way there. Unfortunately, due to safety precautions, security guards took him through the V.I.P. exit after making a brief appearance to prevent any accidents. Lucky fans still managed to catch glimpses of the actor as he made his way out. Later, on his Twitter, he wrote, "I'm worried, I hope that nobody was hurt at the airport." Source + Photos: Star N News via Naver
Lee Min Ho makes a sweet gesture for his Chinese fans
Posted by 42 pts Monday, September 26, 2011
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