Boom picks INFINITE as the second generation of 'Boom Academy' on 'Strong Heart'
Posted by serendipity47 pts Wednesday, September 21, 2011
On this week's episode of SBS's 'Strong Heart', INFINITE's Woohyun expressed his gratitude to Boom for his support of INFINITE.
Woohyun revealed that a few days before INFINITE received their first win, Boom had personally approached the group to deliver positive words of support. He stated, "I just wanted to say to Boom hyung that we are sincerely grateful for him cheering us on."
Boom confessed that INFINITE caught his eyes as well as those of fellow soldier and singer Park Hyo Shin through their performances on music programs. Boom stated, "INFINITE seemed to work so hard and performed really well. Park Hyo Shin mentioned to me, 'I think INFINITE is going to do really well.' So after that, I continued to monitor the group, and saw their passionate performances and their fighting spirit as dancing terminators."
He continued, "Park Hyo Shin liked to sing "Be Mine" a lot... INFINITE is a group that even Park Hyo Shin has recognized," and launched into his immitation of the sorrowful way Park Hyo Shin sang "Be Mine", causing laughter to break out on the set.
Boom also revealed his pick for the 2nd generation of 'Boom Academy', stating, "Boom Academy has our 1st generation, but we don't have a 2nd or 3rd generation yet. So we (Eunhyuk, Leeteuk, and Boom) talked about it and picked INFINITE as our first choice." He then continued, "The guy called Sungjong, I like the look he has in his eyes," and caused the studio to roar with laughter with his demonstration of the look Sungjong's eyes give off during his verse in "Be Mine".
Woohyun then went on to give tips about his own special fan-service techniques, including the act of throwing hearts to fans far away, and talking to his fans as if they were his girlfriends.
Watch the hilarious moments below. (starts around 6:36)
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