Actress Go So Young was spotted attending an overseas fashion collection event. On the 19th of September, Go So Young attended the Burberry Prosum collection event at London's Hyde Park which was a major event for London's Fashion Week. Not only Go So Young in attendance, but also other luminaries such as Rachel Cho, Lily Donaldson, Sienna Miller, Rosie Huntington Whitley and other famous fashion starlets attended the event. Netizens who saw the picture commented, "Although she is amongst beautiful international stars, she still stands out", "Go So Young definitely has a actress pose", and " she is our leading head fashionista Go So Young." Go So Young and her husband Jang Dong Gun left for London last week. Source & Image: Naver
Beautiful Go So Young spotted at London Fashion Show
Posted by 0 pt Saturday, September 24, 2011
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