Successful actor and singer, Kim Jung Hoon, was charged with DUI on August 1st according to the Seoul Kangnam police station. According to the police, Kim Jung Hoon was drinking on July 30th at 10:40AM and had driven his Benz about 200m down the road. A passerby had called 112 after watching the actor/singer stumble into his car, intoxicated, and sit on the driver's seat. During the arrest, Kim Jung Hoon's blood alcohol content level was examined to be well above the legal limit of 0.129% by the police. A representative revealed, "Kim Jung Hoon is showing remorse over making this wrong decision and is reflecting on his actions." Source & Photo: Nate News
UN's Kim Jung Hoon charged with DUI
Posted by 1 pt Monday, August 1, 2011
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