MBC's new Wednesday-Thursday drama, 'Can't Live With Losing', broadcasted its first episode and recorded a nationwide rating of 6.2%. Although it features a well-known cast (Yoon Sang Hyun, Choi Ji Woo) as well as a celebrity PD, Lee Jae Dong, the ratings came in lower than expected, thanks to a small carry-over audience from the previous drama that aired in its time slot, 'Heartstrings', which recorded consistent single-digit ratings. There was also strong competition from SBS's 'Protect the Boss' and KBS's 'The Princess's Man' in the same Wed-Thus timeslot. Despite the mediocre ratings, audience reactions were positive due to the fun plot and convincing acting."The comic, not-overcooked acting of the two leads were fun to watch," enthused a viewer. "Choi Ji Woo and Yoon Sang Hyun's realistic dialogue was just as fresh as the scenes," praised another. 'Can't Live With Losing' revolves around a lawyer couple who are in midst of a divorce. Source: Dailian via Naver
MBC's 'Can't Live With Losing' gets off to a slow start
Posted by 27 pts Friday, August 26, 2011
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