Kim So Eun recently posed with 'Khun' on a photoshoot for 'Oh Boy' magazine. The actress, who is known to be an animal lover, recently took part in the special photoshoot to help out abandoned dogs and cats with sad personal stories. The shoot was conducted with the concept 'To Love You More', and the actress even brought her own cat 'Khun' to partake in this special campaign. She showed her 'animal love' during the shooting by participating actively and even suggested various concepts for the photoshoot. Kim So Eun is currently preparing for her MBC drama "A Thousand Kisses" where she romances actor Ryu Jin who is 17 years older in real life. The drama debuts on August 20th. [gallery columns=4] Source: Newsen via Nate
Kim So Eun poses with 'Khun'
Posted by 2 pts Thursday, August 4, 2011
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