A picture of Eugene and Ki Tae Young in Prague was recently shared online. The newlywed couple are currently on their honeymoon, and netizens can't get over how great they look together. The candid picture of the newlyweds was first uploaded through an online community. In the picture, the couple is seen naturally linking arms while walking down the street. Eugene and Ki Tae Young's matching white shirts and black sunglasses made it obvious to many that they were indeed a couple. Their natural and simple style, as well as their comfortable relationship with each other, gathered the envy of those who saw the picture. Netizens commented, "The two of you can just walk and it's a photoshoot", "A well-matched handsome couple", and "You guys are eye-catching even in Prague". Source + Photo: Enews24 via Nate
Eugene and Ki Tae Young spotted in Prague
Posted by 0 pt Friday, August 12, 2011
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