On August 7th, KBS aired a "dream girls summer special" for their sports variety show, 'Dream Team 2', which contained some suggestive and licentious scenes that left viewers feeling uncomfortable. Girl group members from SISTAR, Rainbow, CSJH, Girl's Day, Nine Muses, Dal Shabet, Rania, together with Lee Pani, Kim Mi Yeon, Kim Na Young, Kang Eun Bi, etc guested on the show for what was supposed to be a fun series of games. Since the recording for this particular episode happened in a waterpark, female contestants wore T-shirts over their bathing suits, but not all did. Some of the matches also called for inappropriate scenes that made viewers watching with their families feel rather uncomfortable. [gallery link="file" order="DESC" columns="4"] The scenes in question would be repeated on end, and cameras would even zoom up to specific body parts, providing one-shots to the celebrities with the best bodies. This issue was compounded by the fact that the program was aired during a time slot when families gathered to watch TV together. Soon after the broadcast, the viewer board for 'Dream Team 2' was met with an onslaught of angry viewers who left comments like, "It was as if I was watching an old adult's program", and "Cameras would take shots from the front and even one-shots of the contestants' breasts. It was just embarrassing." Other viewers, however, defended the program by commenting, "It was a refreshing broadcast fit for the summer weather. I felt as if I had gone on vacation myself", and "This is reverse discrimination. It's apparently fine when guys run around with their tops off, but it's suddenly sexually suggestive for girls to wear t-shirts over their bikinis?" Source + Photos: X Sports News via Nate
'Dream Team 2' gets slammed for licentious content
Posted by 42 pts Sunday, August 7, 2011
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