allkpop just received an update on the Wonder Girls' upcoming Teen Nick movie, "Wonder Girls at the Apollo". JYP Entertainment in association with Nick Cannon's company N'credible, just finalized their network agreement last week, to air through TV station Teen Nick. The TV movie is slated to air in the first quarter of 2012. Filming for the movie will begin in October. This will be the first time for Asian artists to have a tv movie series airing in the US, so both fans and producers are in high anticipation. JYP Entertainment told allkpop, "Wonder Girls' US debut album will be released in timing with the movie, as its OST album." Who's excited about this? Tell us what you think in the comments section below!
Details on Wonder Girls' Teen Nick movie, "Wonder Girls at the Apollo" + US Album release info!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
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