The upcoming weekend drama starring After School's UEE and actor Joo Won recently revealed another teaser. Since the pilot episode of KBS's 'Ojakgyo Brothers' will air in a week, the station revealed a longer teaser, showing the light and comedic flavor of the drama. After School's UEE is seen as the rich and arrogant 'Ja Eun', who bites a woman's arm, only to be interrupted by Joo Won, who plays the cold macho detective, 'Hwang Tae Hee'. The drama picked up Ryu Soo Young (who recently acted in MBC's 'My Princess'), Yeon Woo Jin, (currently starring in MBC's sitcom, 'All My Love'), and Jung Woo In to play the three older brothers. The pilot episode will air next week on August 6th. Check out the teaser below!
Teaser #2 for KBS's upcoming drama, 'Ojakgyo Brothers', released!
Posted by 1 pt Friday, July 29, 2011
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