Kim So Eun recently showcased her unique and bright charms for a photoshoot with CECI magazine. For the May edition of the fashion magazine, the actress unveiled her bright and cheerful side, different from her usual innocent and girl-like image. The concept of the shoot was 'Neon Matrix', which involved the use of various neon colors. Kim So Eun donned bright outfits consisting of red, pink, yellow, and blue colors, revealing a side of herself that she hadn't revealed before. A staff at the photoshoot stated, "It's a lot harder to pull of neon colored outfits instead of neutral or one-colored ones. By comparison, Kim So Eun pulled off funky hairstyles, red lips, and various mixtures of colors perfectly so that the photoshoot was able to come out really nicely." [gallery columns=4] Source: DongA via Nate
Kim So Eun looking cheery for CECI
Posted by 2 pts Tuesday, May 3, 2011
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