On cable channel MBC Every1 'Magazine One' aired on the 20th, JYJ's Park Yoochun was named as an idol artist with excellent acting skills. The show introduced Park Yoochun as a star with acknowledged acting skills and viewers rating success on debut piece 'Sungkyunkwan Scandal. The dialogue explained, "Yoochun played the drama character 200% with emotional acting that captured ladies' hearts." "Thank you so much, " said Park Yoochun on the set of 'Miss Ripley.' He added, "I still have a long way to go, but I hope you understand that I'm trying my best." Park Yoochun is scheduled to play 'Song Yoo Hyun,' an heir of a resort who can be the most serious and honest when necessary, and also can be decisive and strong-willed. Source: Nate
JYJ's Yoochun receives "high class acting idol" title
Posted by 1 pt Sunday, May 22, 2011
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