IU was recently caught in a sticky situation when a swarm of students crowded around her car as they mindlessly took pictures and videos of the star, almost causing fellow students to be in danger.
On May 13th, pictures and descriptions of the incident were uploaded by a netizen on an online community site, titled,
"IU encountered an unfortunate mishap today at Kyungwon University".
One of the pictures that was uploaded was of IU sitting in the passenger seat of her car wearing her earphones while looking slightly alarmed.
According to the netizen, while IU was on her way to the performance stage of Kyungwon University's gala festival on May 12th, she was suddenly met with a huge crowd of college students who ran towards IU's vehicle to take pictures and videos.
Many of the students turned on the camera flash in order to take proper pictures of the singer, while a portion of them even went to the extent of climbing on top of the car to take shots at a closer angle.
The netizen captioned one of the photos as, "
They're like zombies out of a zombie movie who climb on top of the main star's car as she tries to run away."
They added,
"I should ask her agency to move her around in a van from now on, to maintain her safety. I think this is why the stars' managers are always stressing about taking care of them."
A netizen who had read the post left a comment saying,
"Due to mob psychology, if one person decides to climb up onto the car, other people don't even think about how wrong it is and just follow suit." Another netizen voiced out,
"I feel sorry for IU".

This incident wasn't the only incident that gave IU a hard week, as it was reported on May 13th that IU was attacked by a laser pointer during her performance at an event.
The pictures show that there was definitely a spectator who attempted to aim their laser at IU's eyes, as seen by the red beam across her face. But despite this, IU still managed to pull in her best effort and managed to finish her stage well.
Netizens commented,
"Some spectators just have no manners" and
"No matter how much you like IU, this just isn't right."
Source: Donga via Nate, Kuki News via Nate
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