Idol group INFINITE and actress Go Joon Hee recently came together for a 'Singles' photoshoot where they shared a lot of laughter on the set. In this particular photoshoot, the 'milky boys' were asked to put aside their cute image for the theme of the photoshoot, 'Dangerous Romance.' Along with Go Joon Hee, the boys transformed into fashionistas for the shoot and played up their roles for the camera. In addition, they took on the concept of a paparazzi chase for one of the photos. It was also reported that there was an abundance of laughter on set as this was the first time INFINITE participated in a photoshoot with an actress. Meanwhile, this photoshoot will appear in the June edition of 'Singles.' [gallery columns=4] Source: Newsen via Nate News
INFINITE and Go Joon Hee for 'Singles'
Posted by 0 pt Friday, May 20, 2011
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