Earlier this week, pre-debut photos of T-ara's Qri supposedly "experiencing the men's bathroom" made its round amongst netizens thanks to its unusual content. Although it looked as if they were taken inside a men's bathroom, T-ara's Qri assured that they were not. In an interview with Newsen, she stated, "The pictures were taken in 2008, before my debut. They were actually taken in a women's bathroom that had a urinal for baby boys. I loved taking pictures, so I just thought it'd be funny to take a playful picture." She continued, "I then took another picture pretending to come out of the men's bathroom. I have so many pictures, I'm sure there are weirder ones out there." Playfully, Qri concluded, "I'm scared people will find them now." Source: Newsen via Joins
T-ara's Qri didn't actually "experience the men's bathroom"
Posted by 42 pts Thursday, April 14, 2011
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