Actress Sung Yuri, who was recently cast for KBS's upcoming drama, "Romance Town", revealed some still shots from an emotional scene. Sung Yuri plays the role of 'Soon Geum', a girl who lives a life full of ups and downs in 'Romance Town'. With a flower tucked behind her ear (culturally, this represents a mental disorder), the actress jumps around in a graveyard in a comedic fashion, leading 'Kim Young Hee' (played by Kim Min Joon) to worry over her mental health. The scene becomes further complicated when 'Soon Geum' stops dead in her tracks to tell him, "I am crazy. I have every right to be crazy." Producers explained, "Sung Yuri flawlessly jumped in and out of different emotions for her character. 'Soon Geum' is the type that always smiles, but drops sudden tears at the thought of her dead mother." "Romance Town" will begin airing on May 11th. [gallery] Source: Sports Chosun via Nate
"Romance Town" reveals still cuts of Sung Yuri
Posted by 42 pts Monday, April 25, 2011
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